Wednesday, April 23, 2008

LFHS v New Trier 4/24/08


The game against New Trier will be played at Farwell Field, Lake Forest College. This field is located on Washington Rd. and Illinois Rd. The entrance faces Washington Rd. just north of Illinois.

Take Deerpath EAST to Washington Rd. (approx. 3/4 mile EAST of McKinley Rd.)

Turn RIGHT and go SOUTH on Washington Rd. Look for the entrance to the football field on the right side of the road just NORTH of Illinois.

Park in the Lake Forest College lot that is directly aross from the entrance to Farwell Field. Walk past the front of the field and look for the entrance to the field on the NORTH side of the building.

Please arrive at the pitch no later than 5:00 for warm-ups.

Coach P.

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